Petals With A Tease

February Writing Prompt Series: Roses

Vivian Blake
4 min readFeb 9, 2023


Photo by Johanna May So on Unsplash

He walked me backward, his lips burning against mine. If I could swallow him whole, I would. His taste was sweet, like vine ripened strawberries. The trail to the bedroom was draped with rose petals, the pinks and reds melding together in a monochrome pathway. They were soft on my bare feet like velvet kisses.

When we got to the bed, he backed away, leaving me desperate for more. I tried to go to him, but he pushed me to the bed, a sly smile spreading over his lips. The bed was also covered with petals, cool against my skin where they touched. I pouted as I braced myself with my elbows on the bed.

“Don’t worry, babe. We’re just getting started. Lay back.”

I did as I was told, settling back into the bed. He removed his pants, throwing them over the chair near the dresser. I couldn’t see him where he stood, but I could hear him moving.

After a few minutes of shuffling noise, all went quiet. I almost looked up to see what was happening, the anticipation eating at me. A split second before I did, I felt light tickles across my belly.

Rose Petals.

He fluttered them over my bare skin, cascading them down to fall over me. They tickled where they touched, my body on fire from his teasing earlier and now…



Vivian Blake

Writer of Fiction, mostly Erotica, but also Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Horror, Poetry, and More.